You’ve completed your ERP implementation.
But have you achieved organizational transformation?
Topics we’ll explore:
- Transformation Begins with Preparation
- Transformation Lessons Learned
- Promising Practices for Transformation
Transformation Begins with Preparation
More than two-thirds of EDUCAUSE’s survey respondents who have completed an ERP implementation in the past decade reported that issues with their previous software not meeting functional needs or being too hard to support and maintain motivated the institution’s decision to implement a new ERP.
What many institutions don’t realize when they embark on an ERP implementation is that a new solution does not guarantee different results. Redesigning future state processes is a fundamental step in preparing to implement a new ERP system, yet less than half of survey respondents reported doing so.
The majority of survey respondents reported focusing on establishing the project vision and goals, reviewing current system processes, and assessing third-party system integrations in preparation for the implementation.
While you have likely completed a substantial portion of your ERP implementation, you may have another system or CRM implementation ahead of you. So, the lessons learned can be helpful in upcoming projects.
Transformation Lessons Learned
- Continue addressing culture issues after the implementation is complete.
Institutional culture can significantly impact an implementation’s success. It is essential to proactively address culture issues before, during, and after an ERP implementation to ensure the new system is embraced and adopted by leadership, faculty, staff, and students.
- Leadership support must be sustained beyond go live.
According to EDUCAUSE’s report, “More Than ‘Going Live’: Transforming the Institution Through ERP Implementation,” the most critical success factor reported by respondents, by a significant margin, is institutional leadership support. Support for the implementation must start at the top, encompass the entire senior leadership team, and be wholly sustained throughout the implementation and beyond.
- Create a culture of continuous improvement.
Implementing an ERP system is not a one-time event; it requires ongoing maintenance and improvement. It is essential to foster a culture of continuous improvement — including regular feedback and evaluation processes, ongoing training and support, and a willingness to adapt and change as needed — to ensure the new system continues meeting the institution’s evolving needs.
Promising Practices for Transformation
It’s one thing to achieve your desired transformation, it’s another to ensure it stands the test of time. Continuous improvement will ensure your new ERP system keeps up with the rapid pace of change.
- Redesign future state processes.
If your institution did not redesign future state processes prior to implementation, it’s not too late. Invite key stakeholders from across the institution to co-create a shared future state vision, using students’ expectations as a springboard to describe the ideal experience your institution strives to offer. Learn more about future state process design »
- Reimagine and redesign processes regularly.
Conducting a Process Reimagine & Redesign every few years can help prevent manual processes and shadow databases from eroding the efficiency your new ERP has achieved. Explore the benefits of process optimization » - Position your people for long-term success.
Training is essential for all users. Greater familiarity with the new system and a basic understanding of its functionality can help assuage concerns and questions that may arise as business processes change. Discover how an organizational assessment can help you uncover skill gaps and realignment opportunities.
Need Help Achieving Transformation?
If your new reality doesn’t quite live up to your expectations, we can help.